Northwest News 

Posicition: Engineer, Executive Producer
One of the longest running shows through KNWT has been Northwest News, formerly Channel 8 news. With our rebrand of Northwest News, I worked on creating a brand new graphics package for the show and worked with the producer, as the video engineer, to get them to be able to go live weekly on the KNWT youtube channel. Weekly I set up the equipment in the studio, work with the crew as technical issues arise, and run the video tape recorder during the show.
2024 Homecoming Parade Missourian Coverage

Positions: Producer, Editor
As a a part of my goal as executive producer of the KNWT-TV 2024 Northwest homecoming parade live stream, I wanted to include all student media outlets in our pre-show. This is one of the video packages I made for the event. After being given content from the Missourian, the student newspaper on campus at northwest, I rewrote the script to fit broadcast standards, filmed the talent, collected b-roll, made graphics, and edited the content together. The portion uploaded is the segment from the 2024 KNWT-TV Northwest Parade live stream.
Channel 8 News

Positions: Producer, Editor
Due to the producer of Channel 8 News having a personal conflict one week I was required to step in to produce the show. The regular producer wrote the script, I then filmed the hosts reading the script, collected all the footage, and edited the show together.

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